The lie that cost us everything…


Did you know that 89% of girls and women will opt out of meaningful activities including interaction with friends and loved ones when they don't like the way they look?

We miss out on our lives when we are waiting on our weight!!!

For some, it is not literal weight, it is the 'weight' of other people's expectations or the 'weight' of your expectations for yourself.

What are you waiting on right now in your life and how are you letting that determine your worth before you live your best life?

My entire business is based on celebrating every person for their authentic beauty, no matter their size or weight or waiting on an excuse. Build your self-worth on the fact that you are worthy of living an amazing life and stop missing out on amazing experiences.

What has waiting on your weight already cost you in your life? Way too much: memories, experiences, joy.

We are wired to avoid pain at all cost. Of being judged. Change it to associating more pain with what you are missing out on - the pain of regret. It is time to flip your script.

You hiding behind excuses, not the get in the pool, in a swimsuit, or in front of the camera tell others (especially our daughters and sons) that they are not worthy of their bodies either. Step into your power. This is about living life with no regret and inspiring others.


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