Are you Ready to Get Intimate and Vulnerable with a Boudoir Photo Session?

I have to be honest that I’ve recently with a shock, realized, that I’ve built walls up around myself over the years (decades) to self-preserve in all sorts of areas in my life. And for me to get that deep experience I want to experience with and for my clients, I have to work hard now to break these walls down. 

Are you comfortable in your skin, comfortable to get intimate and vulnerable?

We’ve been conditioned to associate vulnerability with being weak but it is quite the opposite. It is about being honest, brave, and swallowing your pride. 

As your photographer, I am determined to create a safe space for you, whatever that may mean to you. Someone recently told me, that it is a journey, not destiny. This is part of my journey and by serving you, it is helping me. We are continually growing to who we want to be. 

Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream. - Peter McWilliams

Here are a few ways to practice vulnerability every day.


Admit what you don’t know. Stop pretending to know everything and struggle. Give yourself a break and simply say, “I don’t know” when you’re unsure about something. You’ll be amazed at how liberating it can be to ask for help.

Do you. More than ever before we are encouraged to be ourselves. But there somehow still is the ever lingering pressure to look, talk and be a certain way to fit in. Choose to say “no thanks” to that and be YOU.


Try something new and be bad at it. Swallow your pride, try something new and learn to experience new things. You don’t have to be good at everything. 

One step at a time. Maybe you want to finally start that passion project or a new opportunity at work. Whatever feels just a bit out of your reach, take the risk, be vulnerable, and go for it! Make a list and see what is the very next (even small) step forward and upward.

Be creative. The fear of critique and being judged or laughed at by others may stop us in our tracks. But get creative. Be bold and share what you are working on - have you looked at reels and tik-toks out there? It is full of people who just went for it and put themselves out there for the world to see. And guess what, it is working!

Ask for help. Going back to #1 of vulnerability in yourself. Admitting you don’t know is human. That means you have compassion for yourself and your emotional self will thank you. No need to stress and struggle. Speak up. There is no shame in reaching out and asking for help.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you practice vulnerability:

  • Recognize that facing vulnerability takes enormous courage. Take small steps (like asking someone what they are thinking) and be proud of your bravery when you do.

  • Let go of the constant worry about what other people think of you. Most people are focused on their own internal struggles, not you.

  • Feeling overwhelmed? Focus your attention gently on your breath and the sensations in your body for a few moments before returning your attention back to the task at hand.

  • Don't worry about being perfect-in fact, don't even consider it. No one is perfect, and the more you hold yourself to an impossible ideal, the more easily you will give up.

Further listening on the subject: The Dr. Brené Brown Ted Talks on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. Brené Brown | Speaker | TED.


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