How Do You Find Your Joy?
Sometimes you just need a little reminder of a few important points and I wanted to bring you nine things to hear today and to come back to every day as long as you need to. It is all for your benefit and ultimately an effect on your overall happiness and other areas of your life. People around you may notice a difference.
It feels like this ‘shift’ in mindset happened as I entered my forties but I still need these reminders. Sometimes we just need these to pull us out of the holes we’ve put ourselves in over the years but that is ok, maybe you just forgot who you were for a bit but welcome back, and here is to a healthier happy life for us all.
Here are the nine things you need to hear today:
Being kind does not cost anything and it is a wonderful gift we can give someone else in a day. It does not being a pushover or weak. With clear boundaries, it can be so effective and an instant feel-good mood for all involved. Ever struck up a quick interaction with a stranger in a checkout line or at the produce aisle?
You made it through the darkness so you can make it through the other side. Don’t lose focus, you’ve worked hard to get out of where you were, celebrate now that you are on the other side, and stop dwelling on the negative and the past. Find joy in everything. See the good in every situation no matter what it was. If it was not for the bad you’ll not see the good.
Trust your intuition. This is a gift bestowed on all of us from a higher power, the universe, the divine. It is there for your protection and you should trust it more.
Remember your values and stop holding on to things that do not respect those values. This could be people you surround yourself with just to be validated by the connection. If this is not serving you or your values let it go.
If you are a fellow empath like me and very sensitive to outside influences, go dark for a bit. Switch off your phone, switch off the news, just withdraw a bit, and remember your boundaries. Say no to anything that is not serving you and put yourself first always.
Remind yourself of those you have to avoid and perhaps have closure on your relationship. Anyone who has never respected you, or your boundaries, anyone who has never apologized, cared about how you feel, or had any accountability. It is hard to navigate everyone’s feelings in life but if it does not serve you, or goes against your values it is time to let these people go.
“You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you”
This may sound incredibly selfish but this one is super important. Focus on yourself, focus on loving yourself, your happiness, finding your joy, and your goals. Focus on being at peace with yourself. Start small, take yourself for a solo coffee date. Be comfortable being by yourself.
Create something with your hands. I’ve started playing piano again and drawing. I want to make some headpieces for photographs but also just to create something. It doesn’t mean going out and spending hundreds of $$$ on getting supplies. Just start small. Some people need to have everything and eventually don’t do anything at all. Even if it is walking in nature and touching some leaves. It can be as simple as that.
Remember, everything will work out as it should. Everything will be okay even if it feels off right now. Trust the universe and that all will work out as it should.